- Gum tree (colour)
- Gum tree landscape (colour).
- Barossa valley Landscape
- Gum trees (black)
- Olives
- Morocco
- Rosimonte.
- Dog.1.
- Sleep 1988.(cover)
- Sleep_Day Dreamer
- Sleep_Dreaming Jane Austin
- Sleep_Imprints.
- Sleep_Front page
- Sleep_In the Rockpool.
- Sleep_Pink Stockings
- Sleep_Strange is the Night.
- Sleep_Rising.
- Autumn Bouquet
- Small Interior S
- Nude
- Portrait of Women's profile stage 1
- Portrait of Women's profile stage 2
- Portrait of Women's Profile (Printed onto sheet stuck to paper)
- Portrait of womens profile stage 3
- Portrait of womens profile stage 4
- Portrait of womens profile stage 5
- Portrait of womens profile stage 6
- Portrait of womens profile (light toned border red)
- Portrait of womens profile (black border stage 7
- Portrait of womens Profile (with birds)
- Portrait of womens profile (with birds lighter tone)